If there's one thing Michael Scott was exceptionally good at, it's taking the time and effort to plan dinners, events, and parties for his team. He even had his annual Dundie's awards, where he would give out prizes for the weirdest and funniest categories
Human Resource is an integral part of any company, and they have the crucial task of having essential conversations without making them dull. Toby, however, always managed to put everyone to sleep with his monotonous lectures, which is why Michael took meaningful discussions like Diversity, and Sexual Harassment into his own hands to make sure the topic was handled the right way. Ensure that whatever the topic needs to be communicated to the team is done in fun yet informative way that your employees will understand and remember.
There were many times when Michael had overstepped his boundaries, but never in business. When it came to making sales, he always was personable without being too forward. You can see it in many episodes, such as the Chili's meeting, where his friendly approach to making a cold sale worked better than Jan's formal approach. While Jan wanted to jump in straight to business, Michael made the extra effort to make small talk, establish rapport, and make himself likable to the client, which made all the difference at the end of the day.
Another one of Michael Scott's secrets to success was persistence in all the deals he made. He made sure that he took the extra step to close sales. That is an essential principle in business. That way, even if a deal goes sour, you can always go to bed knowing that you did everything in your power, and the rest was out of your control.
Michael always tried to stay on top of new trends and had his right-hand man Dwight help him do the proper research and inform him of what was new in the market. Also, he was never ashamed to admit that he didn't know something. The lesson to learn from this is that you don't have to be the best at everything and that each of your employees has something new to teach you. You just have to be willing to learn.
Customer service is everything when it comes to running a business successfully, and Michael has lived by that principle all his life as a manager. Michael consistently kept note of things to remember about his clients to bring up at their next meeting to make them feel important. Additionally, he always made sure that he asked about their family and made small talk with all his clients. He treated them as people first and business second. It's also important to know and understand your clients and make the business work well for them. You don't have to do anything that extreme, of course, but it's essential to make the client feel like they're your top priority when you're doing business with them.
One of the most famous quotes from the show was, "And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do." There were countless moments in The Office where Michael had to make crucial decisions on his own, whether it was hiring, firing, cutting budgets, or giving bonuses. There were times when he was panicking and didn't know what he was doing. However, he never let his fear show, and he always put up an act of someone who knew exactly what he was doing. That is because when an office notices their manager panicking and not having a hold on things, they start getting worried too, which affects their work. You are their manager for a reason, and you are more qualified for the job than you think you are. Trust in yourself and your abilities, and you'll be able to make the best decisions for your company.
What made Michael Scott such a great manager was that he was an average person, like anyone else. He never assumed himself to be superhuman and was never scared to admit his flaws and learn from them. Being a good manager means constantly being open to learning and discovering new ways to improve your company and employees.
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